If you are dissatisfied with us, we would like to talk to you. When we are aware of your dissatisfaction, we can try to solve this for you. Always discuss your complaint with your GP first.
If you find this difficult or you cannot resolve it, you can submit a complaint by sending an e-mail to the complaints officer at doccs general practitioners via: klachten@doccs.nl. From a data security point of view, we ask you not to send us your entire complaint directly via the unsecured e-mail. Briefly describe your complaint and your contact details. The complaints officer will then send you a form via secure e-mail in which you can explain your complaint. The complaints officer will then work with you to find a solution to your complaint or problem. The complaints officer can try to mediate the complaint. Everything you tell the complaints officer is confidential.
If you really cannot come to an agreement with your general practitioner and with mediation by the complaints officer, you can request a ruling on your complaint from the disputes body for general practitioner care. The decision of the arbitration body is binding. More information can be found at www.skge.nl.